How Long Does Grief Last After Death Of A Pet. A pet can quickly become part of the family. Acknowledge your feelings of guilt about getting a new pet after a loyal.

Perhaps one or two for certain kinds ofdeaths, or even three to five years for more serious or unexpected or traumaticdeaths. Grieving the loss of a pet. Most people say their grief lasts from six months to a year to become adapted to the change.
For some, bringing a new dog into the home sooner rather than later can help ease the pain.
Losing a beloved pet is always emotionally devastating, yet society doesn’t always recognize just how impactful the loss can be to our emotional and physical health. It will start to get a little easier to get up in the morning, or maybe you’ll have more energy. Grieving the loss of a pet. Whatever your grief experience, it’s important to be patient with yourself and allow the process to naturally unfold.